NORAH Plastics ®
Industrial Zone RijnPark
Mercatorweg 38
NL-6827 DC Arnhem

T.: +31(0)264425734
E-Mail: info@norah-plastics.com
Internet: www.norah-plastics.com

  • NORAH Plastics is a trade name of NORAH B.V. registered in the European Community under
    EUIPO registration number 017981719
  • Managing directors authorized to represent the company: F.T.W. Noordermeer
  • Register court, Arnhem: Local court 09100407
  • Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a of the Sales Tax Act: NL806940414B01

The website www.norah-plastics.com is under the management of NORAH B.V. registered in the trade register under number 09100407, hereinafter to be referred to as: NORAH Plastics. Despite the constant care and attention we give to the composition of this website, it is possible that the information published here is incomplete or incorrect and does not give rise to any legal claim for compensation in this respect.The information on this website is updated weekly and any changes can be made at any time with immediate effect and without any notification, no rights can be derived from the content of these specifications and changes.

It is NOT permitted to reproduce, store or publish information from the website www.norah-plastics.com electronically, mechanically, via print-outs, copies, screenshots or in any way whatsoever without the prior written permission of NORAH Plastics. The scripts used on this site have been specially developed for and by NORAH Plastics and may not be copied or otherwise reproduced in any way. NORAH Plastics has the exclusive right to use these scripts.

NORAH Plastics is a Benelux registered trademark under trademark number: 1339759 and an European Trademark under trademark number: 017981719 with all its consequences and restrictions of use.

A visitor may not publish or reproduce any copyrighted works or other information stored on this web site without the permission of NORAH Plastics (including through its own network).

We cannot guarantee that the information on this web site is suitable for the purpose for which you consult it. All information, products and services are offered in their actual state and without any (implicit) guarantee or warranty as to their reliability and suitability for a particular purpose or otherwise.

We exclude all liability for any direct or indirect damages of any nature whatsoever arising from or in any way related to the use of this website, or the temporary inability to consult the site. We are also not liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the use of information obtained through this site. 

If you have any questions about our disclaimer please contact our service desk. Please use our contact page or contact us by phone: +31(0)264425734

We are constantly improving and want to offer you the best possible service. We are therefore grateful for your suggestions, questions and possible criticism.

Copyright © 2024 NORAH Plastics ®. All Rights Reserved